business concept
We invest in businesses built by people we believe in
We currently have approximately 50 investments of which the 10 largest account for 85 percent of the value. These are all companies run by owners who are prepared to devote their time and focus to increase their company’s value.
25 percent of the portfolio, cash and passive fund investments included, is listed on the stock market, and more will follow in the next couple of years. Our ambition is to make sure that all our businesses are made stock market compatible from a legal point of view, also those that remain in a private environment. We believe that provides a good quality labelling.

Staffan Persson, Swedia Capital
“The world of business is so much more exciting than sports. You learn about society through entrepreneurships. I guess that’s why we invest in everything from table tennis to cancer research.”

A diverse portfolio
Our portfolio is diverse. Probably because we have a certain weakness for entrepreneurs. When we find ideas we believe in we are happy to help out by adding capital and offer our knowhow and experience.
This omnivorous approach comes with advantages. In our complex world it is getting increasingly harder to focus on one industry only. Not labelling ourselves as experts in a particular field makes it easier to remain modest. Besides, every industry has something to teach that can be applied into another. We believe that the diversity has made us better problem solvers. As a bonus, we learn a lot about the world we live in.
We follow one important rule of thumb; Homogeneous ownership structures. From 30 years of experience we know the importance of working with people who understand what it means to run a company. That facilitates the governance.